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Roof Top Solar - OPEX
Under the OPEX model is one without any capital investment on your part. The investor owns the project with the consumer only paying for the energy generated. We offer a resource attractive tariff that would be 40-50% cheaper than the existing Grid tariff. The operation maintenance risk too is solely the responsibility of the investor.

Roof Top Solar - CAPEX
With the Capex Model, Power Genesys aims to help you save up on your electricity bill while earning the credentials of the ‘Green Badge.’ The power tariff is reduced to ₹2.5 to 3 per unit, from the existing ₹9.5 cost - thus saving up to 65-75% on your energy expenditure. The entire plant pays for itself in 2 to 4 years and you continue to save on your electricity bill for the next 25 years.
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